The grand total of work and study permit holders currently in Canada are 1.5 million. Some 90,000 new permanent residence spots will be available beginning May 6. Canada’s recent announcement is being met with great fanfare.
Express Entry is the main way Canada welcomes economic class immigrants, and 95% of permanent residence invitations in 2021 have gone to CEC candidates. Those looking to remain in Canada as permanent residents should see the new streams as one option, while also considering the more than 100 other economic class immigration options available to them.
The number of people who will apply beginning May 6 is uncertain, but, we can say with a great deal of confidence there will be plenty of work and study permit holders aiming to be among the some 90,000 individuals who gain permanent residence under the programs. We should not be surprised if the quotas are met quickly, within weeks or even days of the May 6 launch.
All is not lost if a candidate is not able to be among these 90,000 individuals. Candidates can still apply to other permanent residence programs and they currently have an advantage since IRCC and provincial governments are aiming to transition as many of them to permanent residence as possible during the pandemic.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) aims to admit up to 90,000 new permanent residents under these streams:
- ❱❱ Temporary workers in health care; and workers in other essential occupations;
- ❱❱ International students who graduated from a Canadian institution;
- ❱❱ French-speaking temporary workers in health care; and workers in other essential occupations;
- ❱❱ French-speaking international students.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is launching six streams for essential workers and international graduates on May 6. It will provide permanent residence to up to 50,000 essential workers and 40,000 graduates. The programs close on November 5, or when the quotas are met, whichever happens first. There are no quotas for French-speaking applicants.
Canada’s rationale for the programs is it wants to transition as many of those in the country now to permanent residence to support its 401,000 new immigrant target for 2021. Those in Canada are more likely to be able to obtain permanent residence now since they are not subject to the same COVID-related travel restrictions that immigration candidates abroad face. The government believes high levels of immigration will support Canada’s post-pandemic economic recovery.
The significant demand by immigration candidates in Canada to complete an English-language test is a major indicator of the level of interest in the programs.
Those wishing to obtain Canadian permanent residence under the economic class usually need to complete an English or French language test that has been approved by IRCC. This requirement is in place even if English or French is your mother tongue, or if you have lived, worked, or studied in an English or French-speaking environment (e.g., such as in Canada).
IELTS and CELPIP saw their websites crash following the announcement of the new programs. The language testers have not been able to keep up with demand as they also look to protect the health and safety of test takers and staff during the pandemic. Because IRCC did not consult with them prior to announcing the streams, IELTS and CELPIP will not be able to offer enough tests that meet demand in time for May 6.
Another way to measure demand for the new programs is by evaluating the detailed information provided by IRCC on the federal government’s open data portal. The programs are available to those who have valid status to work in Canada. Hence, we can look at IRCC’s work and study permit data to give us a better sense of what to expect on May 6.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will begin accepting a set number of applications in the three streams on May 6, 2021:
- ❱❱ 20,000 applications for temporary workers in health care;
- ❱❱ 30,000 applications for temporary workers in other selected essential occupations;
- ❱❱ 40,000 applications for international students who graduated from a Canadian institution.
- ❱❱ The streams will remain open until November 5, 2021, or until they have reached their limit.
Canada Permanent Residency (PR) is most sought after visa category for skilled professionals in aboard. To obtain the PR visa in Canada, you need to apply in any of the popular and point based Canada immigration programs, i.e. Express Entry system, QSWP, PNP, etc.
- ✔ Documents required to apply for PR in Canada
- ✔ Sufficient fund’s proof to support the application
- ✔ ECA (Educational Credential Assessment)
- ✔ Originals, copies, and official translatins of documents supporting the application. Apart from this, educational degrees, diplomas, and certificates, personal identification documents and/or sponsor letters and relevant information
- ✔ Skills assessment test
- ✔ Language Test Result(IELTS, etc.)
- ✔ Additional fees
- ✔ Other documents based on the different visa categories.
Eligibility criteria: How to get PR in Canada?
You need to score 67points based on age, education work experience, language skills, adaptability, and the Canadian job offer
The roles of your work experience should feature in the occupations list of Canada, known as “National Occupational Classification”. Once your eligibility is confirmed, you can apply for visa card in 3 simple steps.
Breakage of points for Canada PR:
- ✙ Age: 12 points (maximum)
- ✙ Education: Max 25 points (maximum)
- ✙ Work Experience: Max 15 points (maximum)
- ✙ Language Skills: Max 28 points (maximum)
- ✙ Adaptability: Max 10 points (maximum)
- ✙ Arranged Employment: Max 10points (maximum)
3 Steps to apply for Canada PR Visa:
✨Step 1: Check your points followed by your education assessment by WES or other related assessing bodies
✨Step 2: Apply online through VisaFAN Submit Application: https://visafan.com/secure/user/
✨Step 3: Recieve and invitation to apply. Make the final application along with the documents and relevant fees.
Once you are done with these 3 simple steps and once your visa is confirmed, you will be asked to submit your passport to the Canadian embassy.
VisaFAN is here to assist you submit your permanent residence application within Canada. Led by Mr. Paul and its team of immigration lawyers, paralegals, and other professionals to support your goal of securing Canadian permanent residence. We will:
- ➧ Review your current profile with a view to avoiding misrepresentation
- ➧ Guide you in collecting and preparing your supporting documents
- ➧ Maximize your chance of submitting your completed application as quickly as possible
- ➧ Avoid mistakes that cause delays or refusals
- ➧ Assist you in submitting your application
- ➧ Access the Canadian visa officer notes on your case, as your legal representative in Canada
- ➧ Inform you when we receive updates
- ➧ Provide you with tools and resources if you need help to find work in Canada
- ➧ Be your voice to Canadian immigration authorities